Upcoming events.

Meet Cute Book Fest

Meet Cute Book Fest

The new Meet Cute romance book fest is a wonderful free event where you can come and meet some of your favourite authors, listen to panels, buy books and so much more. I’m on the Location, Location, Location panel, and I’m so excited. Tickets are free but you need to register to sign up.

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Waterstones Event with Erica James and Rachel Hore

Waterstones Event with Erica James and Rachel Hore

Join me and wonderful author Erica James, where we’ll be discussing our uplifting new novels with Rachel Hore. There will be a chance to ask questions and get your books signed. Also, as it’s happening a week before The Happy Hour comes out, you’ll be able to pick up a copy earlier than anyone else.

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An Evening of Romantic Fiction

An Evening of Romantic Fiction

I’m so excited to be part of a wonderful lineup of romantic fiction authors in this panel, introduced by Rachel Hore. Alongside Rachel will be Heidi Swain, Jenni Keer, Kate Hardy, Clare Marchant and me. We’ll discuss all things romantic fiction, and there will be an opportunity to get your books signed afterwards.

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